Our People

Our Leadership team

Dr Mohamed Ahmed Elmi

Founder and Executive Director

Hailing from the region of Somalia and Somaliland, Dr Elmi, a consultant General and Laparoscopic surgeon, knows and understands all too well the plight of the people of the region and those disenfranchised in the world. He completed his bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery at Amoud University and masters in Surgery at the University of Nairobi.. He is a fellow of the college of surgeons in East, Central and South Africa; and also holds a fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery and is additionally skilled in the field of Healthcare Management.

Dr. Elmi began his humanitarian work immediately after bachelors in the land of Somalia where he has fronted medical education in the hospitals in the region. For the first year, he did this individually working with his community to improve medical knowledge for the underprivileged.

Seeing as a sole endeavour would be inadequate, he founded the Hornmed Organization in a bid to bring his colleagues and other like-minded individuals in the fold of helping within the greater region of the Horn of Africa. He is relentless in making things work and compassionate in the mission of our organization.

Dr Okatch C. Otieno

Head of Operations

Having been born in the remote village of Southern Nyanza and later raised all through childhood in the slums of Dandora and areas of Githurai in Nairobi, Dr Okatch has grown to understand the impact that poverty and noninclusivity have on the overall well being of a person and the society. After completing his bachelor’s in Medicine and Surgery, he is working in the areas of Kajiado among the urban poor constantly striving to bring the best in the society by promoting health education and encouraging system changes in the field of health care.

Mrs Joohara Tube


HornMed cannot be where it is today if not for the shrewd and provident character of Mrs Tube. Specialised in resource management, she has ensured that we work with sustainability as the mantra. Her experience in working with World Vision Somalia is one that has led to the establishment of seemingly difficult but yet attainable systems of management for the organisation

Mr Mohamed Abdullahi Aden

Board member

Mr Aden is the Director of Galdogob General Hospital in Puntland, Somalia. He has been instrumental in coordinating activities in the greater region of Somalia and Somaliland and as a liaison with the region of Ethiopia. Hornmed as a family relies on Mr Aden for the integral role of being a gateway into the greater north of the Horn of Africa. Galdogob Hospital is a comprehensive medical facility with 24 hour emergency services, child and maternal health services and both inpatient and outpatient services. It is also a centre of provision for advanced obstetric and general surgical care.


We rely on volunteer health care practitioners for the success in every mission. In consultation with the chosen team members for the particular endeavour, we plan with the available time within our schedules and with the community leaders to set up dates for the various health camps. Before every mission, the team contributes to and sets the goals to be achieved. Working in collaboration with other entities, we shall establish a framework on the activities for the camp. We are glad to have a team of over 45 medical specialists offering different services, sacrificing their free time in the care of humanity.

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Our Mission Statement​

Our mission

We are a non-profit humanitarian organisation dedicated to promoting the health and wellbeing of underserved individuals around the horn of Africa

Our Core Values

Understanding the particular health needs of the community and working with the people to promote wellness in society. Organizing and providing the necessary health education for the people Imparting much needed and novel skills to the local health care workers Partnering with other organizations and community projects in advancing health care

Our vision

To help the poor in our community at no cost, providing health education and health services needed, both medical and surgical. We believe that to help one human being is to help the whole of mankind.

You’re in good hands.

Four Pillars that define Our Organization.

  • Understanding the particular health needs of the community and working with the people to promote wellness in society.
  • Organising and providing the necessary health education for the people
  • Imparting much needed and novel skills to the local health care
  • Partnering with other organisations and community projects in advancing health caree

Our clients and partners

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