Our work

“A man’s true wealth

is the good he does”

Primary Health Services

The Hornmed family visits the remotest of villages where the availability of health care workers is a forgotten thought. We are unique in our ability to blend with the people and understand their needs. We offer woman and child health care services, general consultations and triage services for the different specialists.

Advanced Health Care

One of our primary focuses as an organization is in bringing top-notch advanced medical services to these vulnerable communities. In our entourage, we carry along various surgical specialists offering general, laparoscopic, ENT, gynecologic, maxillofacial, neuro and dental surgeries.


Professional & Sustainable Health Education

We believe and accept that it is our duty as practitioners who have emerged from the same communities, that we have the responsibility of imparting the necessary skills and knowledge to the local junior doctors and other health professionals and our community.

Our Founder and President, Dr Elmi, started out in 2014 by going back to his home country in a bid to improve health education for his people. He accomplished this by offering medical seminars to the local practitioners and introducing applicable medical and surgical protocols in view of the capabilities of the local health centers.

As an organization, we organize teachings and short seminars on the performance of triage, first aid, emergency medicine, hygiene and nutrition. Sub-Saharan Africa as a whole and especially the horn of Africa, with the meagre access to education; the majority of the population have poor health-seeking behavior. Everyone during our local health drives and at every point of interaction with the community endeavors to advise, educate and encourage the importance of early visits to the health centres. Despite the traditional healers firmly enshrined in our culture, we understand the gravity of ignoring the advancement in medicine. As such, our able team works hand in hand with the leaders of the local community in continuous teaching of basic health care.

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Our Mission Statement​

Our mission

We are a non-profit humanitarian organisation dedicated to promoting the health and wellbeing of underserved individuals around the horn of Africa

Our Core Values

Understanding the particular health needs of the community and working with the people to promote wellness in society. Organizing and providing the necessary health education for the people Imparting much needed and novel skills to the local health care workers Partnering with other organizations and community projects in advancing health care

Our vision

To help the poor in our community at no cost, providing health education and health services needed, both medical and surgical. We believe that to help one human being is to help the whole of mankind.

You’re in good hands.

Four Pillars that define Our Organization.

  • Understanding the particular health needs of the community and working with the people to promote wellness in society.
  • Organising and providing the necessary health education for the people
  • Imparting much needed and novel skills to the local health care
  • Partnering with other
    organisations and community
    projects in advancing health caree

Our clients and partners

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